Happy Valentines Day to all you sweaty peons. Seriously, I really mean it this time.
Anyway, today the Tip of the Day is all about the "Tools of the Trade". To me, these are really just toys, but sure, tools as well.
In reality, you'll only need 2 major tools if you want to make oodles and oodles of Wow Gold.
- Auctioneer (Duh)
- Auctionator
If you don't know how to install and addon yet (it's ok, most noobs don't) head over to Curse , go under the World of Warcraft section and it should be one of the first things that comes up. However, I reccomend installing the Curse Client and installing all your addons here. Why you ask? Because you then have a one button click to get the latest patch/update for the addon.
The Rich Orc isn't just Rich, he's also lazy.
But back in my day you had to go hardcore into the program folders and copy and paste this folder, blah blah....up the hill both ways.
Anyway, once you have the client installed and you download and installed Auctioneer and Auctionator (What? You didn't get it yet? Holy Thrall!!!! Fine!!!) Auctionator and here is Auctioneer.
Now that you FINALLY have this all set up (I say with feeble hope in my heart) your going to need to know how to use them.
Auctioneer is pretty straight forward in its most basic uses but it does have some really nice capabilities. I'll be going over ALL of them in a Tools of the Trade Guide (seriously, you can go really in depth) but for now, suffice it to say that Auctioneer:
- Allows you to see what other people are selling your same stuff for without having to search each item out
- Can search for auctions outside the norm, (lower than usual) and bring them up for you to purchase if you so desire so you can repost at a later date for a tidy profit
- Can actually run checks on the AH itself and over the course of time be incredibly accurate in suggesting sell prices and items to buy and resell.
Auctionator is another tool that I actually use more than Auctioneer. This is because it is very, very simple to use, this is a pretty good video to show you what you need to do. Please excuse the cheesy, lame, night elf music. It wasn't my idea.
Auctionator is designed to be very clean and easy to understand. It also has the scan feature that I previously talked about, and in all honesty I use it more than I use Auctioneer's though I recommend doing both.
Here are some shots from the programmers.
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