
I'm currently working on reviewing the guides that I used to build up my own fortune.  I'll break them down here.

Hayden Hawke's Secret Gold Guide
For a quick preview of what will be going on here, check out Hayden Hawke's Secret Gold Guide.  Though it won't be much of a secret once I'm done with it here.  That aside, it's one of the best I have found in terms of clarity, ease of use (yes, even for you knuckle draggin' types) and specifically targets the FASTEST ways you can make gold. If you think that she's rehashing all the old tried and true methods of getting gold and running away with your money, you couldn't be dumber.

In reality, Hayden does all the right things.  This probably would have been my LAST gold guide ever had I found her a bit earlier. Unfortunately it was my last purchased guide ever, after I bought too many other ones that didn't live up to the hype.
First off, these are some of the greatest things about her guide.  IT'S UPDATED!!!!

  •  Updated For Patch 4.0.6
  •  100% Legal, No Cheats
  •  COMPLETE Gold Making Guide
  •  Detailed Maps & Instructions
  •  Secrets For ALL Levels
  •  Works For Horde and Alliance

You would not believe how many guides out there are just sold with the same info that was good for Wrath of the Lich King and are being pandered as "Updated" for Cataclysm and beyond.  Hayden updates hers REGULARLY.  I never got any updates from a few of the other guides I tried, some updated only infrequently.  But Hayden, well that girl needs someone to save her from the monster she created and show her a good time! Seriously, she updates it that much. Sometimes its worthless updates, information that really doesn't help, its just there.  However, the fact that she updates it AT ALL makes it worthwhile.
If You Think Your Ready to Take on Her Guide Buy it NOW!!  Click Here!

Don't believe all the BS you hear about only needing a level 1 character to max out your gold bank. Flat....Out....Lies.  You CAN however make a ton of money with low level characters using her guide. That means you level faster because you can buy whatever-the-heck gear you want too!

It's also important that its legal.  See, I know this for a painful fact, not everything out there is legal. After working with one particular guide, I got my account BANNED.  That was my Character "Rijja" on Hakkar if you care to Wow Armory him.  That was back when 70 was the max and I was a poor green noob who couldn't even strap on my own shield yet. I had just started this little excursion to be rich in wow and really just started the particular guide I bought and WHAM! I was banned.  Buyers beware.  I didn't even get that much gold out of the stupid thing either.

Anyway, Hayden's guide, bless her Alliance-lovin soul, is extremely complete.  Most guides tell you to grind, maybe give you a rough idea at what to do at your level, etc.  The SGG doesn't more.  Far more.
She actually SHOWS you, thats right, she FREAKIN MAPS IT ALL OUT! Even a deaf-mute-moron like you could figure out whats going on.

She goes through and takes each thing that gives the best drops to sell and shows you their area.  Did I mention she tells you EXACTLY what you need to kill?  There is a reason she is the Goddess of Gold.
Your dumber than I thought....  Click Here!

If that alone wasn't enough, she goes through for the AH addicted and tells them EXACTLY (see, she's very thorough) what they need to get software wise and how to work it.  Every piece.  I remember another guide I used who's "extensive" training on software was an instruction on how to install the Auctioneer Add-on.  No explanation on how to really USE the darn thing.

MY FAVORITE thing about Hayden Hawke's Secret Gold Guide is that she tells you alot of WHAT NOT TO DO.   You would not believe how many things are considered "common knowledge" for making gold in Wow that are COMPLETELY WRONG!  That section of her guide might have paid for itself when I bought it.  There is something very rewarding being able to laugh all the way to the bank while some loser argues about the old, antiquated strategy that he is trying to use.

Video of Hayden Talking about her Secret Gold Guide <Click Here>

Check it out NOW!!  Click Here!